Whats Up Doc (1972)
A screwball comedy. Remember them?
poster Whats Up Doc
IMDb Rating:
7.7/10 (19532 votes)

Country:United States, 94 minutes

Spoken Languages:English


Director(s):Peter Bogdanovich

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 960

Two researchers have come to San Francisco to compete for a research grant in Music. One seems a bit distracted, and that was before he meets her. A strange woman seems to have devoted her life to confusing and embarassing him. At the same time a woman has her jewels stolen and a government whistle blower arrives with his stolen top secret papers. All, of course have the same style and color overnight bag.


photo Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand Judy Maxwell
photo Ryan O'Neal
Ryan O'Neal Howard Bannister
photo Madeline Kahn
Madeline Kahn Eunice Burns
photo Kenneth Mars
Kenneth Mars Hugh Simon
photo Austin Pendleton
Austin Pendleton Frederick Larrabee

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\Comedy\Whats Up Doc.mp4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 1.85:1