Daddy Long Legs (2015)
poster Daddy Long Legs
IMDb Rating:
8.1/10 (33 votes)

Country:United States,

Spoken Languages:English

Genres:Action, Musical


Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 2767

Based on Jean Webster's story of a young girl in an orphanage whose innate charm and self-confidence at first appeal to the sympathies of one of the institution's young sponsors, who, while remaining incognito through years of correspondence with the girl as she grows and matures, eventually becomes enamored of her and she of him.


photo Megan McGinnis
Megan McGinnis Jerusha Abbott
photo Adam Halpin
Adam Halpin Jervis Pendleton

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\New Additions\Daddy Long Legs (2015).mp4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown