Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe (2011)
Every man has a past. His just has more explosions.
poster Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe
IMDb Rating:
7.2/10 (6206 votes)

Country:United States, 90 minutes

Spoken Languages:English, Spanish

Genres:Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Director(s):Jeffrey Donovan

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 2497

As informal punishment for an unwitting affair with admiral Gregory Maitland's adulterous wife, Sam Axe, a US Navy Commander, was sent to Colombia to observe the suspected rebel movement Espada Ardiente ('Burning Sword'). Now he's under investigation for allegedly consorting with those alleged terrorists. He explains how he discovered that his Colombian army liaison Comandante Veracruz was the real drug dealers cahoot, who pailed on framing Axe and presumably innocent farmers for the bombing of an American-run Andes clinic. Sam escaped and tried to help the civilians and forces CIA observers to demand urgent help. He even found a trump card to avoid conviction for his illegal methods and a favorable discharge.


photo Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell Sam Axe
photo Kiele Sanchez
Kiele Sanchez Amanda Maples
photo RonReaco Lee
RonReaco Lee Ben Delaney
photo Pedro Pascal
Pedro Pascal Comandante Veracruz
photo Ilza Ponko
Ilza Ponko Beatriz

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\New Additions\Burn Notice The Fall Of Sam Axe (2011).avi

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown