The Music Man (1962)
From the Broadway Play That Kept Playing Forever
poster The Music Man
IMDb Rating:
7.7/10 (15799 votes)

Country:United States, 151 minutes

Spoken Languages:English

Genres:Comedy, Family, Musical, Romance

Director(s):Morton DaCosta

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 1812

It's the early twentieth century American Midwest. A con man currently going by the assumed name Harold Hill has used several different schemes to bilk the unsuspecting, and now travels from town to town pretending to be a professor of music - from Gary (Indiana) Conservatory of Music, class of '05 - who solves all the respective towns' youth problems by forming boys' marching bands. He takes money from the townsfolk to buy instruments, music, instructional materials, and uniforms for their sons. However, in reality he has no degree and knows nothing about music, and after all the materials arrive and are distributed, he absconds with all the money, never to be seen again. Many of the traveling salesmen in the territory have been negatively impacted by him, as the townsfolk then become suspicious of any stranger trying to sell them something. For Harold's scheme to work, he must gain the trust of the local music teacher, usually by wooing her, regardless of her appearance. And if the ...


photo Robert Preston
Robert Preston Harold Hill
photo Shirley Jones
Shirley Jones Marian Paroo
photo Buddy Hackett
Buddy Hackett Marcellus Washburn
photo Hermione Gingold
Hermione Gingold Eulalie Mackechnie Shinn
photo Paul Ford
Paul Ford Mayor George Shinn

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\Musical\The Music Man.mp4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown