The Man Inside (2012)
poster The Man Inside
IMDb Rating:
5.7/10 (838 votes)

Country:UK, 99 minutes

Spoken Languages:English

Genres:Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director(s):Dan Turner

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 122

Clayton Murdoch (Ashley Thomas) carries a terrible darkness inside him. As a boy he was exposed, by his father(David Harewood), to murder and gang culture, With his father now in prison, Clayton struggles to overcome what he was groomed to become, in a city where every day there is a constant threat of violence and death. Clayton channels his aggression into boxing. Controlled, powerful, contained. However, when the violence starts to destroy his own family, Clayton loses control, and the darkness within him is unleashed. And now, to get the revenge against those who have taken his loved ones, he must ask the one man he fears the most for help, his father. With everything around him falling apart and the full shocking fury in him let loose, Clayton must look death in the face and find out who is the man inside.


photo Peter Mullan
Peter Mullan Gordon Sinclair
photo Ray Panthaki
Ray Panthaki Bose
photo Michelle Ryan
Michelle Ryan Alexia Sinclair
photo David Harewood
David Harewood Eugene Murdoch
photo Theo Barklem-Biggs
Theo Barklem-Biggs Karl Lee

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\Action\Inside Man.mp4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown